Productivity/accountability boost
I am and have always been a huge fan of lists, my friends love to tease me about my lists about lists and lists found all around the house. If we are planning a project, vacation, party, or just writing about life I will make a list. Shoot, even if I'm journaling I have a list. For me, the moment I stop writing lists and ticking things off I do nothing. I am a fairly lazy and forgetful person to begin with, but if I am without my lists I am lost! I need something in front of me organizing my thoughts and ideas and telling what needs to get done and when. I also need a list of the ideas I want to achieve, the workouts I need to do, and the sort of person I want to be.
I also LOVE vision boards, I watched "The Secret" once in a class at community college and fell in love with the idea. While I don't agree whole heartedly with some of their ideas, one can't deny the power of having a goal reminder looming over your head all the time and positive thoughts guiding you to a positive place! The Vision Board also acts as a reminder of all the things I have achieved since making my first board. Some of my goals now seem silly that I ever had them on there, but at the time seemed far-fetched and spectacular. It is time that I make a new board, as since moving to London I haven't made a proper one and I have achieved so much of my last board. I have a few pictures hazardously hung next to my bed, but it does not fulfill my idea of a vision board, nor does it express all my goals. I am also thinking of having an achievement board which I will use to move my goals to when I have achieved them, to celebrate my success and to keep me motivated.
I have also found a nifty new system to make new goals habits, see below:
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